Sudantha BHSilva ALMD201920192019Silva, A.L.M.D. (2019). Analysis of road congestion based on weather conditions in Sri Lanka [Master’s theses, University of Moratuwa]. Institutional Repository University of Moratuwa. Sri Lanka incurs a huge economic loss of around Rs.4 billion annually due to the road traffic congestion and air pollution with too many vehicles on a limited road network. According to the statistics a large number of Sri Lankans spend more time on the roads paying more fuel, as the number of vehicles on the roads are rapidly increasing and it takes longer to reach one’s destination. Road congestion is increasing due to many reasons such as increase of vehicle population, lack of proper vehicle parking system near urban area, lack of well-maintained road network, weather condition, etc. There are many researches which is done to monitor the road congestion based on the vehicular data. And the lack of monitoring the traffic based on the weather condition is available in Sri Lanka. This research is mainly focused on the weather condition and the traffic data. To collect the information, google maps data, open weather Map data and police report data is supposed to use. To find the correlation between classification of the traffic congestion and weather, data is analyzed. To predict the most relevant weather factor for the road congestion, data is analyzing. Aim of the research is provide a best route to travelers. System is to be analyze how the change of weather affects increase of road condition and in future analyze to be done to find how traffic congestion affects the increase of accidents.enSTREET TRAFFIC CONTROL-WeatherTRANSPORTATION-Traffic ControlINFORMATION TECHNOLOGY-DissertationsSOFTWARE DEVELOPMENTAnalysis of road congestion based on weather conditions in Sri LankaThesis-Full-textITMSc in Information TechnologyDepartment of Information TechnologyTH3931