Wijesiriwardana, CRubasinghe, N20182018http://dl.lib.mrt.ac.lk/handle/123/13424This paper proposes a service-oriented rapid application development framework for application developments. It provides nine commonly use business patterns, the application under development with representations for the data model, business logic, API layer, user interfaces. Which are presented together with a diagram showing the precedence for checking the convenience of their utilization? The paper describes the layers, techniques, code generation, API testing tool and explores possible future extensions. Many aspects of software development projects can be improved with an information architecture that provides a framework to automate the design, development, testing processes using pre-defined patterns and automate processes to ensure that the process is completed on time, within budget, and reliably with quality assurance. In this paper, we address a critical aspect of the time-consuming gaps that exists between the process of software design, implementation, and testing. The proposed pattern-based software rapid development framework is intended to fill these gaps and provide a more integrated approach in the development of a software system. We introduce the capability to orchestrate new integration technology that leverages recent advances in Web Services, including service-oriented architecture. This new approach can lead to significant improvement in software productivity and quality by providing a platform that bridges the gap between stakeholders and software engineers, as well as providing a reliable integration mechanism using pattern-based service-oriented approach to manage rapid changes in domain knowledge.enMSc in Information TechnologyINFORMATION TECHNOLOGY-DissertationAPPLICATION DEVELOPMENTSSOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT PROJECTSSOFTWARE RAPID DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORKService oriented software framework for rapid application developmentThesis-Full-textITMaster of Science in Information TechnologyDepartment of Information TechnologyTH3575