Abeysinghe, KAbeywardena, DGNMAmaratunga, SRAmarasinghe, AADSAnthonies, HAWimalasundera, ARWijesiriwardana, C2024-12-132024-12-132024http://dl.lib.uom.lk/handle/123/23001A hospital management information system aims to facilitate high-quality patient care. Delays and cancellations of surgical procedures, and poor resource allocation affect the efficiency and productivity of the surgical theatre's functioning. Implementing an electronic surgical theatre management system will improve the efficiency of theatre scheduling, data accuracy, resource allocation, and reduce waiting time and patient outcomes. The electronic surgical theatre management system manages all aspects of a surgical procedure workflow. This research aims to design an electronic surgical theatre management system focusing on theatre scheduling, resource allocation, surgical instrument management, and improved communication.enSurgical theatre managementPatient outcomeResource managementHospital information managementstakeholder engagement"Theater X" – designing an electronic surgical theatre management system for a Sri Lankan public hospitalConference-AbstractMedicine2024Annual Academic Sessions-2024Moratuwa, Sri Lankapp. 50Annual Academic Sessions-2024kheshabey@gmail.comhttps://doi.org/10.31705/FOMAAS.2024.30