Dharmakeerthi, M.G.C.C.Wickramasinghe, A.2022-09-022022-09-022021-07-30http://dl.lib.uom.lk/handle/123/18853There is an ongoing debate regarding the best approach to educate undergraduates in arts and design (AD) subjects through online mode due to the Covid-19 pandemic. AD students are predominantly learning through experimental and reflective learning, hence facilitating teaching, learning and assessment (TLA) activities in an online platform and maintaining an active learning environment were the identified issues of the study. The outcomes of this study will be beneficial for academia, undergraduates and service providers of online education platforms. This study targeted level two, term three undergraduates of the Bachelor of Design (Hons), Fashion Design and Product Development degree course as a group project, according to the learning outcomes defined in the curriculum. Outcomes were analyzed through mixed methodology while it was evaluated through the observations of the two examiners and post project feedback collected by students for qualitative data analysis. Quantitative analysis was done with the results obtained from summative and formative assessments of the sample of 51 students (in 12 groups). It was evident that 100% of participants were able to adapt to the online learning while the majority (90%) could virtually interact with group members in order to engage in active learning with real-time connectivity. Students’ feedback revealed that the virtual factory visits and online guest lectures were able to fill the knowledge gaps of the industry-linked project. Results of the summative assessments evidenced 8.3% of A+s while B+ has recorded as the lowest result gained by a group. In conclusion, it was observed that the possibilities of adopting the online approach were overweighing the challenges and limitations encountered as the overall results of the students are higher than the previous academic year which was conducted physically. The experimental learning was limited due to lack of materials and technical resources however it was overcome through peer group learning. Furthermore, the study has revealed that the need of TLA is to be adhering in relation to constructive alignment considering the pros and cons of distance mode teaching.enDistance learningFashion Design educationcollaborative learningCovid-19 pandemicAdopting distance learning in Fashion Design education : collaborative learning approach during Covid-19 pandemicConference-Full-textEngineeringDepartment of Textile and Apparel Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka2021SLAIHEE Higher Education Conference, 202195-100pProceedings of the 17th Annual SLAIHEE Conference on Higher Education in Sri Lankachinthakad@uom.lkayesha@uom.lk