Jauffer, MSDayananda, N2013-10-212013-10-212011http://dl.lib.mrt.ac.lk/handle/123/8100Moving a brain-computer interface (BCI) system from a laboratory demonstration to a consumer oriented real-life applications still possesses severe challenges to the BCI community. This study, aims in discovering a new augmentative communication channel that does not rely on the brains normal output pathway of peripheral nerves and muscles, thus as a result patients with Neuromuscular diseases, could rapidly and seamlessly communicate with the outside world. The study makes use of a commercially available EEG, which is a wireless, single channel, Bluetooth enabled acquisition that is cost effective. The results obtained after evaluation of the software shows its performance at an excellent rate thus, the use of the reduce stressapproach seems to have a great impact in reducing the stress level of a quadriplegic patient in the process. This study demonstrates a truly portable, cost-effective and a practical implementation of an alternative communication channel created for patients with Neuromuscular disorders.Reduce stress, BCT based communication tool designed for disables for use in daily lifeConference-Abstract2011Excellence in Research, Excelling a NationFaculty of Engineering, University of Moratuwa184-18517th Annual Research Symposium on Excellence in Research, Excelling a Nation