Priyadarshana, TGPWijethunge, HMDPJayasekara, BCCPAmarasinghe, YWRRodrigo, R2022-12-222022-12-222013-02***** paper is focused on designing and optimization of a Micro Electro Mechanical System (MEMS) based piezoresistive .t ype pressure 10 enhance the sensitivity by optimally utilizing the maximum available Silicon wafer cell volume of 3mmX3mmX400pm and a fixed thickness of 10pm due to fabrication constrains. Here an analysis is carried out by varying the dimensions of two different diaphragm geometries, namely conventional square type diaphragm and cross-sectional beam type diaphragm. The analysis is done using finite element method (FEM) technique in ANSYS software and by comparing the results, the better diaphr agm type is chosen for the required pressure range oj the application for flash fiood level The results show that for some pressure ranges the cross-sectional beam type diaphragm delivers a much better sensitivity than the conventional square type diaphragm.enDesign and Optimization of a MEMS Based Piezoresistive Pressure Sensor for Hash Flood Level Measurement.Conference-Full-textEngineeringEngineering Research Unit, University of Moratuwa2013National Engineering Conference Engineering Research For Nation BuildingKatubeddapp. 55-61Proceedings of the 18th Annual Research Symposium