WCS - 2013

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  • item: Conference-Full-text
    A framework for environmental rating schemes for infrastructure projects
    (Ceylon Institute of Builders - Sri Lanka, 2013-06) Jayawickrama, TS; Ofori, G; Pheng, LS; Sandayake, YG; Fernando, NG
    Infrastructure plays a vital role in a country's socioeconomic development and there is a growing demand for infrastructure in developing countries. However, infrastructure development impacts the natural environment significantly. Therefore, it is important to consider the environmental sustainability of infrastructure projects. In the built environment sector, Environmental Rating Schemes (ERS) play an important role in evaluating and encouraging the implementation of sustainability at the project level. While ERSs have gained widespread attention worldwide, less attention has been paid to infrastructure, and it has tended to focus on the building sector. Furthermore, no ERSs for infrastructure are found in developing countries so far. It is important for an ERS to be type-specific and many building rating schemes have considered this. However, no type-specific ERS for infrastructure has been published so far. Moreover, the existing ERSs have been criticized for the absence of any theoretical bases. To address these gaps, this study aims to propose a theoretical framework for infrastructure ERSs in developing countries. The literature on environmental sustainability was reviewed to identify the important aspects which should be applied at the project level to achieve environmental sustainability in those countries. The factors were analyzed using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Results show the highest importance for minimising impacts of waste disposal and non-renewable energy sources followed by avoiding corruption. The study provides a theoretical basis for developing ERSs for infrastructure projects and a path for developing sector-specific ERSs.
  • item: Conference-Full-text
    Ability of bim to satisfy cafm information requirements
    (Ceylon Institute of Builders - Sri Lanka, 2013-06) Gnanarednam, M; Jayasena, HS; Sandayake, YG; Fernando, NG
    Facilities Management (FM) and Building Information Modelling (BIM) are contemporary day concepts that have modernised the way built environment behave. In modern day, FM concepts are moving towards to sustainable FM (SFM). Incidentally, Facilities Managers (FMs) become responsible for assuring the sustainability of facilities of the business. Modern day buildings are increasingly sophisticated and the need for information to operate and maintain them in sustainable manner is vital. Currently FMs rely on the information of the facility retrieved from conventional Computer Aided FM (CAFM). However, FM professionals face challenges from existing information inefficiencies resulting in unnecessary costs, productivity, efficiency and effectiveness losses where these leads to failure of SFM. Considering its favourable features, BIM had been identified as promising solution to effectively reach SFM goals. BIM conceptually has been developed to overcome the inefficiencies in conventional building information systems and recording methods. Combined data would enable the art of making any building more intelligent and sustainable. Significant efforts were found which had focused on getting the benefit of BIM for FM. However, there was no certain answer to “how far could BIM satisfy the information needs of CAFM?'' This paper proposes a methodology to theoretically answer this question, which had been proposed for the next step of the study being conducted in Sri Lanka
  • item: Conference-Full-text
    An evaluation of the outcomes of the urban development plans with special reference to moratuwa urban development plan
    (Ceylon Institute of Builders, 2013-06) Ranasinghe, TKGP; De Silva, ML; Sandanayake, YG; Fernando, NG
    Plan outcome evaluation (POE) is very significant rather than focusing on planning process, usefulness of plan, content and quality of plan. POE has been ignored in the field of planning due to lack of proper POE method.This study focuses on the ex post facto evaluation considering the outcomes of action projects of development plans and aim to develop a POE method to evaluate outcomes of development plan towards the achievement of its objectives quantitatively since no one has made such an attempt. Achieving outcomes of development plan directly affect for sustainable urbanisation. A comprehensive literature survey revealed that adaptation of the components of objective driven, theory-driven and theory-based, utilization-driven and theoretical data-driven evaluation methods will lead to overcome related issues on plan outcome evaluation and identified basic four steps suitable to incorporate in any POE method.This developed POE method comprises four steps including mathematical models. Field surveys and questionnaire surveys were carried out to identify public perception on achievement of outcomes of action projects. Developed POE method can be used as a progress monitoring tool and as an outcome evaluation tool. This POE method will be a useful tool for planners, project managers and policy makers to improve planning practices and provide necessary knowledge for revising plansin order to ensure the sustainable urbanisation. This study can be extended to evaluate the outcomes of development plan when objectives are clear and measurable further considering theory, process and objectives driven methods.
  • item: Conference-Full-text
    Applicability of socio-economic factors in sustainable construction for sri lankan context
    (Ceylon Institute of Builders - Sri Lanka, 2013-06) Amarakoon, AMDC; Chandrathilake, SR; Nawarathna, RAG; Sandayake, YG; Fernando, NG
    “Sustainability” has emerged as a vibrant field of research and innovation over last few decades. The concept is based on three basic factors; environment, social and economic, namely the Triple Bottom Line. Frequently, the environmental aspect, despite the social and economic aspects, is given a major emphasis in the global arena of sustainable construction. The World Green Building Council (WGBC), being the leading institute in sustainability, has initiated the first step towards assessing the socio economic factors in the field of sustainable construction, which are being neglected in rating green buildings due to its immeasurability as a tool, by developing a framework for assessing the concerns addressed in the Triple Bottom Line. The WGBC criteria presented in seven sections hold concepts developed by the expert panel representing 14 countries, for assessing the social and economic factors. Since the concepts are in contrast with Sri Lankan context, they seek readjustment in order to match Sri Lankan context. Research agenda hascommenced with a comprehensive literature survey, followed by expert interviews and a questionnaire survey. The process of developing the theoretical framework to determine the appropriate weightages between each rating has proceeded using the indicators and benchmarks of the available frameworks. Adjusted criteria of the social and economic factors would be able to improve the applicability of GreenSL to assess the green buildings in Sri Lanka. Developed framework through the evaluation process in the research would be capable of assessing the Sri Lankan sustainable constructions in a more appropriate manner, with proper compositional integration of socio-economic and environment factors. A comprehensive assessment of sustainable construction could be achieved through the developedtheoretical framework that is fitted in to the Sri Lankan context with due consideration on aspects addressed in Triple Bottom Line; economic, social and environment.
  • item: Conference-Full-text
    Application of the safe working cycle (swc) in hong kong construction industry: literature review and future research agenda
    (Ceylon Institute of Builders, 2013-06) Chan, DWM; Hung, HTW; Sandanayake, YG; Fernando, NG
    The accident rate of the Hong Kong construction industry is very high when compared with other developed countries. Since 1990, the industry has introduced different safety initiatives to minimize the occurrence of site accidents, and there has exhibited a significant decrease in accident rate over the years. The Safe Working Cycle (SWC) is one of the effective safety measures aiming to ensure a tidy working site and raise the safety awareness of construction workers everyday. It comprises the Daily Cycle, Weekly Cycle and Monthly Cycle, and it focuses on the causes of construction accidents and improves the overall safety performance on construction sites. This paper will provide a concise introduction of a research project in relation to SWC in the Hong Kong construction industry. It aims to scrutinize the overall research paradigm of a holistic study on the historical development, underlying concepts and applications of SWC in Hong Kong. The investigation will be accomplished by a combination of data collection methods comprised of archival desktop study, in-depth interviews, detailed case studies and an empirical questionnaire survey. Relevant attributes of SWC including the perceived benefits, potential difficulties and effective recommendations for future implementation will be explored and discussed herein. The research findings are expected to help the decision-makers to generate clearer insights into the effectiveness of SWC in improving site safety, and to allow industrial practitioners to explore whether and how the site accidents can be mitigated via SWC.
  • item: Conference-Full-text
    Approach to sustainable development through architectural education: insight to the perceptions of sri lankan students
    (Ceylon Institute of Builders - Sri Lanka, 2013-06) Samaratunga, M; Sandayake, YG; Fernando, NG
    Sustainable development is considered as a multi-dimensional problem for integration of economic, environmental, institutional, political, social and personal human problems. Therefore, interdisciplinary interaction will be essential to reach the ultimate goals of sustainability. Architecture, as a key profession in the construction sector, plays a significant role in promoting the interdisciplinary interaction and a holistic approach to sustainable development. This approach requires a high amount of knowledge, skills and attitude which could be obtained through architectural education. The need of approaching sustainable development through education was accepted by the United Nations and has declared 2005 to 2014 as the decade of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Therefore, this paper intends to explore the relationship between the architectural education and sustainable design practice in the Sri Lankan context. Architectural educational content on sustainable development has two folds, such as, the technical component and non-technical component. The technical components mainly focus on providing knowledge and skills, which are more applicable towards the latter parts of the design process (design detailing). Non-technical components not only provide knowledge and skills but also attitude and could be applied from the early stages of the design process (Concept development, brief interpretation, etc). The methodology adopted is a survey (structured) research approach where data generated through a social survey and a literature survey would be analysed to reflect some thoughts. Social survey would be conducted through a structured questionnaire given to undergraduates and young practitioners of architecture from the two main schools of Architecture in Sri Lanka (City School of Architecture, Colombo and Department of Architecture, University of Moratuwa). Student perception on Sustainability would be explored through the parameters of personal interpretations, application frequency and satisfaction to non-satisfaction ratio. Reflections would include that the technical knowledge and skills need to be in equilibrium with the non-technical knowledge and attitudes given in architectural education to obtain a more holistic sustainable design approach.
  • item: Conference-Full-text
    Assessing the bim maturity in a bim infant industry
    (Ceylon Institute of Builders - Sri Lanka, 2013-06) Jayasena, HS; Weddikkara, C; Sandayake, YG; Fernando, NG
    Building Information Modelling (BIM) is rapidly gaining acceptance of building industries internationally, and is likely to become the primary industry standard for AEC information exchange in near future. The built-in intelligence of BIM offers the highest potentials for adopting lean approaches for project delivery, and minimizing of risks and uncertainties; enabling highly sustainable procurement systems for the building industry. While it is accepted that BIM is in its infant stage in Sri Lanka and BIM technologies are rarely present, adoption of BIM has been identified to be timely. Use of inappropriate BIM adoption strategies would waste valuable resources and time. This will also hinder the industry acceptance of BIM. Development of reliable strategies requires information on current BIM maturity in order to identify the gaps. Wider gaps in a BIM infant industry give rise to the number of potential alternative BIM adoption strategies. Thus, a coherent assessment of current context is crucial to chose most suitable strategies. Bew- Richards BIM Maturity Model and Succar's BIM Maturity Stages were the widely referred models used to ascertain the BIM maturity of an industry or an organization. However, these were found to be less useful to assess a BIM infant industry. The study proposes framework comprising four components, viz. collaborative processes, enhanced skill, integrated information and automated systems, and knowledge management.
  • item: Conference-Full-text
    Automation of bim quantity take-off to suit qs’s requirements
    (Ceylon Institute of Builders, 2013-06) Wijayakumar, M; Jayasena, HS; Sandanayake, YG; Fernando, NG
    Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a thriving technology which laid potential to address problems in conventional practices based on Computer-Aided Design (CAD) drawings. Sustainability and complexity of today's buildings are insist BIM technology and associated processes to develop for project delivery through sustainable procurement systems. Quantity Take- Off (QTO) is vitally important task in any building project since measurement practice applied to buildings has to be both accurate and consistent for auditing a building project from many different perspectives. However conventional QTO methods are tedious and error-prone. Major portion of Quantity Surveyor's time is spent for QTO. BIM QTO tools are task specific software applications delivering great promise to automate the extraction of quantities from BIM models. Visual building QTO improves productivity and accuracy that leads to sustainable QS practices. The time saving offered by these technologies will allow the Quantity Surveyor to focus more on other value adding services. However the automated outputs must suit the Quantity Surveyors' requirements in order to be effectively useful. Otherwise, the reliance on such technologies could result in such consequences, deviate from sustainability. This research is focused on “How far BIM QTO tools can automate QTO to suit QS's requirements?” The findings will contribute to the knowledge by establishing the status contribution of BIM for QTO being a primary function of Quantity Surveying within the overall sustainable procurement systems anticipated for the building industry.
  • item: Conference-Full-text
    Building information modelling and future quantity surveyor's practice in sri lankan construction industry
    (Ceylon Institute of Builders, 2013-06) Nagalingam, G; Jayasena, HS; Ranadewa, KATO; Sandanayake, YG; Fernando, NG
    Sustainability has been an often mentioned goal of businesses, non-profit organizations and governments in the past decade, yet measuring the degree to which an organization is being sustainable or pursuing sustainable growth can be difficult. Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a new paradigm in the thriving Sustainable construction industry, from which the triple bottom line of the Sustainability can be greatly achieved. As the significance of BIM has become increasingly appreciated, most of the activities in the building industry have focused on BIM with sustainable design strategies. BIM has a great potential for integration into construction projects life cycle which will lead to pave the way towards becoming the industry standards for construction projects. Hence BIM would be a key tool in the project procurement in the future. However, BIM is not yet implemented in Sri Lankan construction industry where incorporation of BIM into construction projects life cycle would create differentiation in traditional procurement systems. Consequently, the role of Quantity Surveyors whose building procurement is based on BIM would be revolutionized drastically from the existing role where BIM permits to analyse the building, the structure, materials and performance in real time as it is being designed. Hence, a research is conducted with broader aim of exploring the potential expansions of QS roles, changing key roles and responsibilities offuture Quantity Surveyors in a sustainable BIM based project delivery in Sri Lanka, which will lend a hand in training Quantity Surveyors to face future challenges. This paper contains the preliminary findings of a literature review conducted on the current key roles and responsibilities of Quantity Surveyors in local building procurement andfuture expectations in a BIM based project delivery.
  • item: Conference-Full-text
    Common errors that are being made in preparing and pricing boq in sri lankan construction industry
    (Ceylon Institute of Builders, 2013-06) Gunathilaka, AAUS; Senevirathne, LDIP; Sandanayake, YG; Fernando, NG
    In construction projects the Bill of Quantities (BOQ) has become a vital document in post contract stage as well as in pre contract stage, since the BOQ address the important three aspects of a project, that are time, cost and quality. Therefore, it is necessary to illustrate that if there is any error in BOQ that would directly affect the base of the construction projects. As a result, all stakeholders involved in a project have an extremely higher concern on those three aspects, as having an error free BOQ is vitally important. Errors can occur during preparation stage and pricing stage of the BOQ. Further, to minimize BOQ errors it is important to have a clear understanding on the errors which occur most frequently during preparing and pricing stages of a BOQ. Therefore, this research study is focused to identify the common errors that are being made in preparing BOQ in Sri Lankan construction industry. A literature survey was carried out to identify the importance and common errors of BOQ during preparation and pricing BOQ in construction industry and this paper presented the findings of it. The survey revealed the importance of BOQ in post contract stage as well as in pre contract stage. Moreover this research has identified the errors which occurred during preparation and pricing stages of BOQ separately, and the reasons for those errors. This would then lead to establish a mechanism to, either to eradicate or minimize errors in BOQ preparation and pricing within the construction industry and hence facilitate to sustain the BOQ as an important and reliable document in the industry.
  • item: Conference-Full-text
    Comparative effectiveness of quantity surveying in a building information modelling implementation
    (Ceylon Institute of Builders, 2013-06) Kulasekara, G; Jayasena, HS; Ranadewa, KATO; Sandanayake, YG; Fernando, NG
    Over the past eras, growths of innovative technological concepts are promptly increasing, in order to achieve competitive productivity and performance. Building industry identifies technology as vital. Although the building industry is broadly identified as unique and conservative, at the same time construction industry has to have varied according to these innovative technological variations. In addition to that these technological variations may have potential to influence everyone's professions in different ways. Although, the concept of Building Information Modelling (BIM) is not practiced in Sri Lankan construction industry yet, it is likely to become the project delivery standard in future. Introduce with the vision “sustainability by building smarter”, BIM will improve the performance of building professionals. The current knowledge does not adequately explain how the functions of a Quantity Surveyor are affected by BIM. This paper presents a study on comparative effectiveness offered by BIM for the traditional functions of a Quantity Surveyor. The study is interesting because the new knowledge will help to develop strategies for professional development and update the education curricula to train the Quantity Surveyors to face future challenges.
  • item: Conference-Full-text
    Comparative study of green building rating systems: in terms of water efficiency and conservation
    (Ceylon Institute of Builders, 2013-06) Waidyasekara, KGAS; De silva, ML; Rameezdeen, R; Sandanayake, YG; Fernando, NG
    The construction industry puts a great effort on achieving sustainable development. This is because in the construction industry a lot of natural resources are being consumed. Water is one of the most important natural resources for the development of all economic activities taking place to care for the environment and quality of life in the society. Therefore, availability and management of water resources is essential for a long term sustainability of any country. At present, many environmental assessment tools or green building rating systems developed and accepted by many countries. Simply, green building rating systems provide best standards and assist to fulfil green building practices. Each rating system addressed key sustainable parameters: energy, water, site, indoor environmental quality and materials in order to build sustainable environment. Since freshwater scarcity has become a global issue, this paper aims to investigate how and in what strategies water efficiency and conservation is discussed in the existing green building rating systems. Primarily, literature review and documentary review were used as the main research method. The eleven green building rating systems which are designed for new construction were considered and were analysed to compare in terms of the key requirements/strategies and credits awarded for water efficiency and conservation in the rating systems. It was found that in terms of water, intention of each rating system is to reduce potable water consumption compared to the benchmark buildings. It further address in many directions to conserve and monitor water throughout the project life cycle. However, few rating systems have only addressed water conservation and water pollution during the construction phase. Furthermore, the paper enables to analyse the priority given for the water efficiency compared to other sustainable parameters.
  • item: Conference-Full-text
    Contribution of building management system towards sustainable built environment
    (Ceylon Institute of Builders, 2013-06) Kumara, WHCD; Waidyasekara, KGAS; Sandanayake, YG; Fernando, NG
    The biggest challenge faced by the community is controlling and monitoring the performance of built environment facilities in a sustainable way. From this dimension, effective use of Building Management System (BMS) in the built environment is representing a significant strategy in relation to economic, environment and social perspectives. Higher energy efficiency, lower operating and maintenance costs, better indoor air quality, greater occupant comfort and productivity are the major achievements of a successful BMS. Therefore, at present it is so evident that, many organizations are enhtuastic to allocatea substantial investment, inorder to, install, commissioning, operation and maintenance of BMS. However, to obtain the optimum use of BMS is still challenging among the building users. Thus, the requirement of developing a framework for functionality of BMS is essential in order to gain maximum benefits through operating building automation and control systems. The aim of the paper is to investigate the contribution of BMS in achieving a sustainable built environment. The findings are achieved through conducting literature and documentary review available in the built environment andanalyzing green building rating systems to find out the input of BMS towards sustainable built envionemnt. Therfore, comparative study conducted between LEED, BREEAM and GreenSLrating systems.Based on the findings, theoretical framework was developed to facilitate contribution of BMS in sustainable development. Moreover, the paper is engaged in analysisngthe credit contribution of BMS in order to gain the green rating certification.
  • item: Conference-Full-text
    Cool pavement systems as a mitigation strategy of urban heat island effect: a literature review
    (Ceylon Institute of Builders, 2013-06) Asmone, A; Chandrathilake, SR; Ranadewa, KATO; Sandanayake, YG; Fernando, NG
    The urban heat island effect is the rise of ambient temperature in urban areas due to the progressive replacement of natural surfaces. Buildings and paved surfaces are contributing most to this phenomenon as per the properties of their material. Conversely, urban heat islands have a direct influence on building occupants' comfort levels, building cooling loads and energy costs as well. Although there are existing researches on green buildings, there is a significant lack of literature on cooler paved surfaces; particularly in tropical countries. To bridge this research gap, and to explore the applicability of cooler pavement systems in search of mitigating urban heat island effect in the micro and meso level, this study was executed as a desk study based on a literature survey of environmental implications of unsustainable rapid urban development, their mitigation strategies, and where existing pavement systems stood in all this. The literature synthesis of existing work by authors from around the globe led to the discussion and analysis of the paper, and resultant further study areas. This paper compares alternative “cool” pavement systems, which are defined as pavements with improved solar reflectivity and permeability characteristics. The paper suggests how these can be used effectively in a sustainability conscious building facility, and by infrastructure developments which has a wider role of reducing local heat islands, increasing pedestrian comfort and reducing runoff water. The scope of this paper was limited to pedestrian pavements and gives reference to construction professionals who are engaged with sustainable building and infrastructure projects on their usability.
  • item: Conference-Full-text
    Coping with ethical dilemmas in a socially responsible manner - quantity surveyors’ perspective
    (Ceylon Institute of Builders, 2013-06) Kalukapuge, D; Seneviratne, LDIP; Sandanayake, YG; Fernando, NG
    Ethics is a vital constituent for any profession. Therefore, professions are governed via codes of practice published by respective professional bodies as a measure of ensuring compliance of members with professional ethics. These codes necessarily reflect social interests. Recognized professional organizations with regards to Quantity Surveying profession (RICS, AIQS, IQSSL, etc.) have introduced Codes of Professional Conduct which define the standard of professional conduct to which the members must adhere as socially responsible individuals. In a context these codes have not been successfully ableto achieve comprehensive social responsibility within the practice of respective members, this study attempts to understand the grounds for ethical/unethical behaviour, ethical dilemmas and action taken by QSs in the face of an ethical dilemma within professional practice. Frequent ethical dilemmas as well as contemporary developments, such as the predicament brought in by sustainability concept, have been identified by the study to be elements that need addressing. Findings of the literature review exhibit conclusive evidence about a strong relationship among QSs' practical execution; and knowledge and experience. The study concludes with an emphasis on the need for improving education and discussion of ethics as well as social responsibility necessitated by the broader society.
  • item: Conference-Full-text
    Developing a framework for selection of sustainable materials based on the embedded energy for building construction
    (Ceylon Institute of Builders, 2013-06) Victoria, MF; Senarath, SBR; Chandrathilake, SR; Sandanayake, YG; Fernando, NG
    Material selection in conventional construction projects concentrate on various criteria. However, sustainable construction must take into account of embodied energy of materials during material selection which is rarely addressed by construction professionals. Analysis of embodied energy of construction materials is important as increase in energy consumption will indirectly trigger a series of collisions leading to instability of the environment. Therefore, this research study aims at developing a framework for selection of materials based on embodied energy and other identified main parameters. The study was carried out based on figures retrieved from literature survey as well as on the perceptions of professionals involved in construction through questionnaire survey. The study categorized the identified significant materials based on five major elements (foundation, wall, roof, floor finishes and doors &windows) with two materials per each and evaluated their performance based on the parameters of embodied energy, price, durability and maintainability. According to empirical findings, most of the selected materials of the same element have performed in similar manner on the selected parameter. However, in some selected materials the results for embodied energy has a significant difference with their counterparts which had an impact on the overall score of those materials. Further, even though embodied energy parameter ranked last in the importance weightings, the parameter is of acceptable significance which can have a huge impact on material selection. Ultimately, framework for material selection was developed with the aid of research findings which comprises of four combinations of each of the selected materials with each other in terms of their performance on each individual parameter and on overall performance.
  • item: Conference-Full-text
    Developing a Maintenance strategy plan to improve energy efficiency of HVAC system
    (Ceylon Institute of Builders, 2013-06) Dahanayake, KWDKC; De silva, N; Fernando, SS; Sandanayake, YG; Fernando, NG
    In managing energy in buildings, a greater focus has been given to the HVAC system as it generally consumes more than 50% of total energy usage in buildings. Proper maintenance Had been identified as a significant factor to improve energy efficiency of HVAC systems. For instance a proper maintenance plan can save 5% -20% of energy bills without a significant capital investment. Thus, the research aims to develop a maintenance strategic plan to improve energy efficiency of HVAC systems. Survey technique was adapted to collect data on HVAC system failures, impact of failures, frequency o each failure, significance of causes for failures, and HVAC maintenance requirement to ensure efficiency. A statistical analysis was carried out to develop a maintenance a strategy plan. Maintenance strategic is proposed by using the preventive and predictive maintenance strategy. This proposed plan may be useful for building managers to manage energy by adopting efficient maintenance strategies.
  • item: Conference-Full-text
    Development supportive novel trends and practices for construction sector
    (Ceylon Institute of Builders, 2013-06) Hadiwattege, C; Denagama, J; Sandanayake, YG; Fernando, NG
    The rapid development of the technology paved the way towards the new trends and innovations in each and every industry. This is a universal truth which has no any exceptions to the construction industry which faces rapid changes frequently while being one of the major industries of a country that contribute to the living standard of the citizens and to the development of the country. Sri Lanka being one of the countries with booming economies, it is inevitable to respond to the innovations in world construction industry and there are some important new trends to the development of the industry. Therefore, this research is carried out to address the research gap to identify the important new trends of the Sri Lankan construction industry. In order to proceed with the research, quantitative research approach was adopted through a questionnaire survey with 90 respondents including clients, contractors and consultants 30 from each. Data were analyzed statistically and were ranked based on the mean value. Out of the nine identified new trends, waste management, sustainability and green building concept and risk management has been identifies as the most important developments over information technology related developments while advanced technological developments were considered with lesser practical applicable value within the Sri Lankan context. Hence, as per the research, it is required to conduct further research studies to acknowledge the time, cost and other benefits can be adopted through facilitating identified innovation and new trends while giving the priority to the high ranked trends identified through this research
  • item: Conference-Full-text
    Effective fire safety planning for industrial buildings: a literature review
    (Ceylon Institute of Builders, 2013-06) Athapaththu, AMSU; Fernando, NG; Dissanayake, DMPP; Sandanayake, YG; Fernando, NG
    The lives and health of human beings, the growth and prosperity of organisation, and the increasing need for fire safety are immediate concerns which provide the original momentum for the business continuity of the organisation. Fire safety consideration should form an important part of any new product or technology development to promote sustainable development, and acceptable solutions to acute fire safety concerns must not pose a threat to the long term development. Simply, the fire safety and sustainable development has common interest in making sure that fire safety is achieved in the most sustainable way. However, the direct property damage to the buildings due to ineffective fire safety planning is increasing with the development of industrialisation and urbanisation. This paper therefore aimed to develop a conceptual model for effective fire safety planning for industrial buildings. A comprehensive literature review was used as the research methodology for this paper. Keywords search for fire accidents causes for fire accidents, fire safety planning and industrial buildings were used to search the literature. The literature findings highlighted that many buildings such as factories do not arrange regular drill; therefore the workers discover themselves in an alien situation whenever an emergency situation arises, causing panic, stampede etc. which further escalate the degree of casualty. Further, accidents are caused mainly due to technical failures and human failures where human failures include lack of awareness of the safety precautions required, inadequate expert knowledge and qualifications in accident prevention. Failure to effective planning for fire safety in buildings can hinder the recovery process, whereas recognition of its importance leads to more efficient use of resources in the wake of emergencies
  • item: Conference-Full-text
    Effects of premature termination: case studies of sri lankan construction projects
    (Ceylon Institute of Builders, 2013-06) Abeynayake, DN; Kumara, RNMU; Sandanayake, YG; Fernando, NG
    Construction projects are inevitable. But they should be in proper way. However some of projects/contracts come to end before their actual completion. This is an adverse effect to the construction industry and it can be identified as a barrier for sustainable construction. Therefore there is a requirement of avoiding occurrence of adverse premature contract/project termination and mitigating their effects while promoting sustainable construction practices. Hence, the aim of the research is to investigate effects of premature contract/project termination before minimizing adverse effects. In accordance with existing literature, mainly three types of Contract termination can be identified as, termination due to default of client, termination due to default of Contractor and termination for convenience of Employer. But, contract/project terminated prematurely due to whatever reasons, their issues affect on many ways to project stakeholders. Further, less attention is given to some issues relating to project/contract termination like impacts of termination, relationship among parties after termination and steps to prevent premature termination. This research is conducted through three case studies of terminated construction projects in Sri Lanka. To gather data, semi structured interviews were carried out with professionals and unstructured interviews were held with technical employees. Further, three experts were interviewed to clarify compatibility with termination concept. The findings were revealed that there are good impacts as well as bad impacts on stakeholders due to premature project/contract terminations. Most of the time, it results in breaking the relationship among parties, creating disputes, blacklisting the contractor…etc. Further, the research is explored good practices for prevent adverse termination effect which can be implemented in construction industry.