ERU - 2011

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  • item: Conference-Full-text
    Proceedings of the 17th Annual Research Symposium 2011 (Pre Text)
    (The Engineering Research Unit University of Moratuwa, 2011-12) Rodrigo, R
  • item: Conference-Extended-Abstract
    Demand side management for micro grids through smart meters
    (2011) Wettasinghe, WADSL; Widisinghe, HR; Wijayasekara, PDDS; Wijesekara, SRMDTS; Hemapala, KTMU
    A microgrid is a small scale power system consisting of distributed small power facilities such as solar power, wind power and micro-turbines. Because of some merits such as an eco-friendly system, good quality power supply and energy security, the microgrid has been researched and encouraged actively in many countries.For commercialization, the effective operation for the micro grid is very important. Microgrid power generation satisfies the power requirement of considerable number of off-grid consumers. Therefore consumers are limited to a low power usage. A Demand Side Management (DSM) system can be used for better power distribution among the consumers which is not in use nowadays. In this project the authors have made a network among consumers through Smart meters which are providing the ability to measure the real time power consumption and send those usage stats to the central server.
  • item: Conference-Abstract
    Utilization of fruit waste to produce biodegradable polymer composites
    (2011) Samarasekara, AMPB; Piyathilake, SAKVM; Kumarage, DIU
    Polymers play an essential and ubiquitous role in everyday life due to their extraordinary range of properties. However, Polymer wastes create formidable problems to the society today. Biodegradable polymers are significant and of great importance for the future of the planet. Biodegradation is the decomposition of polymer materials by microorganisms. Biodegradable Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) based composite was prepared by adding pectin as the main additive. Pectin was extracted using passion fruit waste. The biodegradability imparted by pectin can be improved by incorporating natural enzymes. Papain and Bromelain were two natural enzymes extracted from fruits of papaya and pineapple waste. The extracted products were analysed and characterized using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). These extracted natural enzymes can be used to produce biodegradable LDPE — Pectin polymer composite to preserve the environment for future generations.
  • item: Conference-Abstract
    Wi-Fi based Positioning system
    (2011) Liyanagedara, LGAI; Madarasinghe, BR; Tillekeratne, MAT; Ubhayaratne, KNI; Dias, D
    Real Time Location-estimation systems (RTLS) developed for outdoor environments have shown significant errors due to changes in atmospheric conditions, multipath propagation and inherent signal strength variations. In this paper, we present an improved Wi-Fi based RTLS solution for the outdoors that reduces the above impacts. In addition this paper presents the development of a portable device for implementing the above RTLS solution. The research makes use of Euclidean, standard deviation based and triartgulation algorithms. Data smoothening is done to reduce the multipath propagation issues. The different algorithm combinations are compared via their error cumulative distribution functions.
  • item: Conference-Abstract
    Use of soda ash as a recycling agent to reduce Non-degradable PET waste in Sri Lanka
    (2011) Weerasooriya, PRD; Udayakumara, SV; Gunapala, O; Karunanayake, UPABP
    The Aim of this research is to use soda ash (Commercial grade of sodium carbonate) as a recycling agent to depolymerize waste poly(ethyleneterephthalate) (PET) bottles into its initial monomers (i.e. terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol). The reaction between soda ash and crushed PET bottles was carried out under different reaction temperatures and times in an atmospheric pressure. Mono-ethylene glycol(EG) is used as a solvent or the reaction media for this reaction. The effect of EG: PET ratio on the yield also studied. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) technique VWM used to analyze the reaction products. In laboratory scale, 4/1 EG/PET weight ratio, 170'C operating temperature and 35 minutes reaction time were identified as the optimum conditions .The percentage of PET decomposition and yield of terephthalic acid was 78.89% and 77.95% respectively under above conditions
  • item: Conference-Abstract
    Use of ANN in risk analysis
    (2011) De Silva, N; Ranasinghe, KAMK
    Artificial Neural ,Network (ANN) has been used for risk analysis in various applications such as civil engineering, financial, facilities management and so on. However use of ANN has become extremely difficult when the problem is complex when handling large number of variables. Ensemble network architecture is proposed to overcome such difficulty, by combing individual "expert networks " thai learn small parts of the problem. In this research, ANN was used to analyze risks in maintainability of high-rise buildings. Analysis of maintainability risks of a building involves a large number of variables as it consists with number of components such as roof facade, etc., Therefore use of a single neural network has become impossible due to small set of data from less number of high-rise buildings in Sri Lanka. Therefore, ensemble network architecture was used in this research. The results showed that ensemble network has performed well in solving complex problems (i.e. building), by decomposing the task of the problem into its sub levels (i.e. components).
  • item: Conference-Abstract
    Traffic induced vibration analysis of existing steel bridge in Padeniya-Anuradhapura road
    (2011) Kodikara, KATL; Morawaka, UD; Gunathilake, IAPMP; Lewanagamage, CS
    The selected Bridge which is located in Padeniya-Anuradhapura road is a steel truss bridge with three spans of approximately 31m long. It is currently undergoing a development process which includes constructing a new cantilever pedestrian walkway of 1.5 m in width of either side of the bridge. Because of this proposed cantilever foot walk static as welt as dynamic loading will be changed. In order to ensure that the structure is safe under the additional loads structural analysis uwr carried out for static condition as well as for dynamic condition and check the adequacy of structural elements. Analyses of the bridge under static and dynamic loading were done by the finite element (FE) method. The bridge model is such that the structural steel is idealized by beam elements and the deck is represented by shear flexible shell elements. The support with elastomeric bearings is idealized by using an internal element with linear springs. Modeling was carried out using commercial FE software package SAP2000. Structural Analysis revealed that there is a kind of a vibration problem exists. As a solution for this vibration problem, this paper suggests the effectiveness of using elastomeric bearings hence expanding life span of steel truss bridges.
  • item: Conference-Abstract
    Traffic light coordinator- synchronization between traffic light controllers using dynamic phase selection, timing calculation and area coordination
    (2011) Samarasinghe, ATLK; Bandara, S; Namarathne, DL; Munasingha, UAART; Madurangi, HKP; De Silva, HMJ;
    The Area traffic light coordinator has developed targeting to reduce high traffic congestion in Sri Lanka by synchronizing traffic light controllers using dynamic phase selection and timing calculation with area coordination. The software program which runs on the traffic light controllers, gets the vehicle density input needed to calculate timing from a database, which should he updated dynamically using a sensor network. Calculated timing and phases are then rearranged to suit with junction structure and using those, synchronization not only within the junction, but also throughout the critical path is achieved.
  • item: Conference-Abstract
    The potential of nailed all timber box beams
    (2011) Hettiarachchi, MTP; Welhena, KM; Chandraratna, PG; Priyadharshana, KHPV
    The potential of combining small dimension timber with timber webs of suitable thickness has been demonstrated by of this experimental investigation on nailed built up timber box beams of different cross sectional profiles in which the flanges and webs are entirely of timber. No literature was available on such timber box beam construction. The effect of web thickness, overall depth, and shape of flange on the load carrying capacity and flexural rigidity of timber box beams were investigated. Timber beams consisting of webs of 25 mm thickness and overall depth of 225 mm were shown to be the most cost effective. The profile of the flange does not appear to have a significant effect on either the load carrying capacity or flexural rigidity. No attempt wa
  • item: Conference-Abstract
    The Failure mechanism and bearing capacity of different types of shallow foundations
    (2011) Fernando, NCJ; Sendanayake, EM; Sendanayake, DO; De Silva, LIN
    The development in analysis and design of shell type foundations have led to the understanding that there are more advantages of shell type foundations compared to their conventional flat counterparts. The hearing capacities of conical and pyramidal shell foundations on dry sand were determined in the present paper by conducting laboratory model tests. The results were compared with those of circular and square flat foundations, respectively. Four foundation models on dry sand were tested in which influence of the shell configuration on the hearing capacity and settlement were investigated. The present experimental study indicated admirable performance of shell type foundations with respect to ultimate and settlement characteristics. Also characteristic of deformations or the failure mechanism of both shell and its flat counterparts were simultaneously investigated by using coloured and non-coloured sand layer by layer in dry sand model.
  • item: Conference-Abstract
    Suitability of cohesionless soil as a highway construction material
    (2011) Suvetha, B; Tharaka, DGS; Ranasinghe, JASL; Mampearachchi, WK; Thilakasiri, KS
    Major parts of the Eastern and Northern provinces of Sri Lankti are covered with cohesionless soil. Utilization of locally available soil for the construction of the subbase of these roads will optimize the cost and reduce the environmental impact. Recently cracks, settlement and outward movement have been observed in the pavement constructed using the locally available sandy soil. It is suspected that the usage of locally available soil would have caused this failure. Objective of this study is to assess the quality of the cohesionless soil as a highway construction material. Further, the applicability and validity of the currently used specifications for use of cohesionless soil as a highway construction material are also evaluated. To accomplish the above tasks, the experience of the construction industry in this regard WOJ gathered through site visits, case studies, interviews with relevant personals. Based on the collected information a comprehensive laboratory test program was formulated to investigate the interrelationships between the soil properties such as grading, maximum dry density, California Bearing Ratio(CBR) value, plasticity index(PI), and liquid limit by mixing different type of clays with pure coarse sand. Laboratory test results and field data collected from road construction projects were analyzed. Final results were reviewed by the senior consultants at Road Development Authority(RDA) and National Building and Research OrganizationfNBRO).
  • item: Conference-Abstract
    Sugarcane bagasse pith as a low cost adsorbent for the removal of Methylene Blue from wastewater
    (2011) Senarathna, KMCU; Amarasinghe, BMWPK
    Adsorption of methylene blue dye (MB) onto sugarcane bagasse pith from Pelwatte Sugar planl was studied to enable comparison with alternative commonly available adsorbents. Batch experiments were conducted to determine the effect of adsorbent dose, initial dye concentration and to obtain equilibrium data. Sugarcane bagasse pith is capable of binding appreciable amounts of methyl blue dye from aqueous solutions. The equilibrium data were satisfactorily fitted to Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. Highest dye uptake of 40 mg/g TOS observed. Fixed bed column experiments were performed to study practical applicability and breakthrough curves were obtained. Breakthrough curve data fits to Yoon-Nelson modeI and bed capacities for methylene blue adsorption was 22 mg/g.
  • item: Conference-Abstract
    Site suitability analysis for groundwater recharging structures in Hambantota district by using remote sensing and GIS techniques
    (2011) Puswewala, UGA; Senanayake, IP; Dissanayake, DMDOK
    The dry zone of Sri Lanka faces drought conditions periodically, due to the rainfall variations over the island. Hambantota District in Sri Lanka appears to be a highly affected area from these drought conditions on the basis of surface water availability. This situation can be worse in the future, with the climatic changes in the world and human interference with the nature. Hence, a proper water management system, including preservation of existing surface and groundwater resources as well as recycling, is a must to overcome this problem. Rainwater harvesting is practiced throughout the world, as a solution to this problem. Groundwater consists of 30.}% of the freshwater resources in the earth, while surface water consists of only 1.3%. Hence recharging the runoff to the groundwater table is an effective method in rainwater harvesting. Integrating remote sensing and GIS techniques with relevant data can provide an updated, reliable database which is a pre-requisite for designing a proper water management system with dramatic saving of time. In this work, Suriyawewa District Secretariat Division was selected as the project area, considering its location within Hambantota District and its average climatic conditions. The suitable locations to recharge the runoff into groundwater table were found out by integrating land use, climatic, soil, stream and slope data of Suriyawewa with Remote Sensing and GIS techniques. This methodology can be generalized to Hambantota District and can be applied to other areas in the dry zone of the island.
  • item: Conference-Abstract
    Structural assessment and rehabilitation option for Yudaganawa dagoba in Buttala
    (2011) Kularathna, HGSR; Siriwardhana, DNTM; Sudharshana, WN; Lewangamage, CS
    Yudaganawa dagoba in Uva province is one of the largest stupas in Sri Lanka which dates back to 2nd century BC. Presently, this colossal stupa with a diameter about 91.2 m and reaching a height of 13 m is undergoing several issues which necessitate it to be rehabilitated. The stupa was found in ruins and grown with vegetation until it has been preserved by subsequent restoration efforts in the recent past. However, it is not standing at its original height wellmatched with the circumference at its base. Further, existing formation of the structure, existing foundation and ground condition are unknown. This paper presents structural assessment of existing stupa and proposal for rehabilitation in order to build the stupa to its full height. A literature survey has been carried out to investigate the structural formation of stupas in ancient Sri Lanka. The geometry of the present stupa and the soil profile under the stupa were assessed. Material properties have been found with adequate laboratory testing. Present condition was modelled using finite element analysis employing SAP 2000 and PLAXIS 2D. The results show that the stresses generated within the existing stupa due to its self weight is well below than the compressive strength and the tensile strength of bricks. Based on the results, several alternative methods are proposed for rehabilitation and the options are analysed with respect to structural performance along with the existing condition and the religious beliefs, attitudes and rituals concerning the stupas. The possibility of cracking in the masonry due to the self weight in each alternative method was checked using a failure criteria developed based on the modified Von Mises theory. The final option was selected so as the stresses generated in the existing brickwork are satisfying the failure criteria and has the minimum intervention to the stupa in the context of ancient value and the concerns related to stupas. Consistent with that, it is shown; the existing stupa is capable of taking the load ofproposed solid brick superstructure without showing any possibility of cracking.
  • item: Conference-Abstract
    Strengthening of reinforced concrete slabs using fiber reinforced polymer (FRP)
    (2011) Abarna, S; Abeysinghe, KDA; Lakshitha, NHM; Lewangamage, CS
    This paper presents the potential use of externally bonded fiber reinforced polymer (FPR) systems to upgrade reinforced concrete slabs deficient in flexural strength. A total of five slabs, each having 500 mm width. 125 mm thickness, and 1530 mm length, were cast and tested to failure under four-point bending. Two slabs were reinforced with three number of 10 mm tor steel bars at the tension side that corresponds to 0.38% steel reinforcement ratio. One slab was used as a control whilst the other slab was strengthened with fiber reinforced polymer (FRP). Other three slabs were reinforced with four numbers of 6 mm mild steel bars at the tension side that corresponds to 0.18% steel reinforcement ratio. One slab was used as a control specimen while the other two slabs were strengthened with different arrangement of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP). In the experimental stage, the influences of FRP on the slabs were analyzed by studying their behaviour at failure.
  • item: Conference-Abstract
    Sensing line-of-sight obstructions in a multipath radio environment
    (2011) Chandrasekara, R; Wijesinghe, L; Siriwardena, P; Sampath, JPK; Edirisinghe, R; Dias, D
    The paper presents the development and the experimental verification of a technique for the identification of obstructions in the line-of-sight path between two or more radio transceivers in a multipath radio environment. The objective of this technique is to use RSS measurements from a mesh of simple sensor nodes to identify intrusions.
  • item: Conference-Abstract
    Siddhi-CEP - high performance complex event processing engine
    (2011) Gajasinghe, KCB; Loku Narangoda, IU; Chaturanga, HWGS; Perera, S; Nanayakkara, V; Suhothayan, S
    Complex Event Processing (CEP) is one of the most rapidly emerging fields in data processing. Processing of high volume of events to derive higher level events is a vital part of several business applications including; business activity monitoring, financial transaction pattern analysis, and row RFID feeds filtering. The tasks of the CEP is to identify meaningful patterns, relationships and data abstractions among unrelated events, and fire an immediate response such as an alert message. In this paper, we address the need of a scalable, generic complex event processing engine, which was designed focusing on higher performance to process events in an efficient manner, with added advantage of a permissive open-source license. The implementation and design of different features have been carried out along with testing and profiling in order to be certain about the performance Siddhi CEP can provide.
  • item: Conference-Abstract
    SeMap - mapping dependency relationships into semantic frame relationships
    (2011) Fernando, CSNJ; Maldeniya, MKDT; Wijeratne, DNC; Perera, AS; Goertze, B; De Silva, NHND
    We describe the refacloring process of the RelEx2Frame component of OpenCog AGI Framework, a method for expanding concept variables used in RelEx and automatic generation of a common sense knowledge base specifically with relation to concept relationships. The well-known Drools rule engine is used instead of handcoded rides; an asynchronous concurrent architecture and an indexing mechanism are designed to gain performance of re-factored RelEx2Frame. WordNet aided supervised learning mechanism is applied to expand concept variables. Association mining is used on semantic frames acquired through processing an instance of Wikipedia in order to generate a common sense knowledge base.
  • item: Conference-Abstract
    Real time stereo vision based on biologically motivated algorithms using GPU
    (2011) Chandrapala, T; Samarawickrama, J
    Although many recent stereo vision algorithms have been able to create disparity maps with high accuracy, because of the sequential nature it is difficult to adopt them for real time applications. Biologically motivated algorithms involving Gabor filters demonstrate inherent parallelism and could be effectively implemented in parallel hardware such as Graphics Processing Units(GPUs). We present a real time stereo vision algorithm based on Gabor filters which effectively use the memory hierarchy and the threading resources of the Graphics Processing Unit(GPU). Since the 2D filtering process is a critical activity which takes upto 50% of the total time to create the disparity map, we evaluate the GPU implementation of three filtering methods. Using the optimal filtering method out of them, we were able to achieve a frame rate of 76 fps for a 512x512 image stream on a NVIDIA GTX 480 GPU, and a I70x speed-up compared to the conventional CPU based implementation.
  • item: Conference-Abstract
    Reduce stress, BCT based communication tool designed for disables for use in daily life
    (2011) Jauffer, MS; Dayananda, N
    Moving a brain-computer interface (BCI) system from a laboratory demonstration to a consumer oriented real-life applications still possesses severe challenges to the BCI community. This study, aims in discovering a new augmentative communication channel that does not rely on the brains normal output pathway of peripheral nerves and muscles, thus as a result patients with Neuromuscular diseases, could rapidly and seamlessly communicate with the outside world. The study makes use of a commercially available EEG, which is a wireless, single channel, Bluetooth enabled acquisition that is cost effective. The results obtained after evaluation of the software shows its performance at an excellent rate thus, the use of the reduce stressapproach seems to have a great impact in reducing the stress level of a quadriplegic patient in the process. This study demonstrates a truly portable, cost-effective and a practical implementation of an alternative communication channel created for patients with Neuromuscular disorders.