Enhancement of the structural properties of fired clay roof tiles with waste rice husk ash and ceramic sludge

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This study was carried out to assess the enhancement structural property such as transverse breaking strength, dry mass and apparent porosity of clay roof tile with the addition of Rice husk ash (RHA)and ceramic sludge. The roof tiles were manufactured in industrial scale by replacing the RHA percentage (i.e.5%, 10% and 15%) and ceramic sludge percentages (i.e.10%, 15%, 20% and 25%). The manufactured tile specimens were tested according to ASTM standards and compared with the conventional tile. Sieve analysis, hydrometer analysis, specific gravity, bulk density and amorphous silica determination were done to determine the characterization of the raw materials. The clay, RHA and ceramic sludge were collected from Waikkala (Puttalam district), Mirissa (Matara district) and Dankotuwa Porcelain LTD (Puttalam district) respectively. The finess modulus of clay, RHA and ceramic sludge are 0.41, 1.72 and 1.05 respectively. While the specific gravity of clay, RHA and ceramic sludge are 2.50, 2.08 and 2.24 respectively. The bulk density of clay, RHA and ceramic sludge are 1294.5 kg/m3, 336.9 kg/m3 and 1276.8 kg/m3 respectively. Transverse breaking load was optimum for the 10% RHA and 10% sludge showing 30.5% increment compared to the conventional tile which shows that the replacement of 10% RHA and 10% ceramic sludge is acceptable. Dry density of the tiles get reduces with the incorporation of RHA and ceramic sludge producing light weight tiles compared to the conventional tile. However, the apparent porosity of the tile got increased. The study has concluded that the utilization of RHA and ceramic sludge in the production of clay roof tiles is an advantage for construction industry. Because high strength, light weight tiles can be produced with low cost. And also this is a solution for accumulating industrial waste.



Rice husk ash; Ceramic sludge; Clay roof tiles; Transvers breaking load; Dry mass; Apparent porosity


