Sustainable national development through combining CSR activities with academic projects
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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an integral part of business now a days and getting more popularity. Companies are now more concerned about integrating social responsibilities into their business practice. As the fund is also increasing in this field, sustainable management of this fund is getting momentary. It is not one time funding/ ad-hoc system. The impact of the activities need to be rethought, how far it is contributing to the society, getting feedback of the fund provided, lasting impact on community, whether it is bringing social change etc. This study describes a loom shed design project under academic course work and how company’s CSR activities can make it into a reality. At first the recent trend in CSR, Architecture school design projects have been discussed. Then the context of the project location and description of academic project is discussed in detail. The socio-economic change that can be brought through this type of investments is analyzed. At last two alternative business model has been proposed involving academy/ institutions, for a sustainable development of national economy.
CSR, Academic Design Project, Sustainable Development