Changing role of institutional open space in the modern educational system
In the recent technological advancement, role of institution becomes facilitator in the learning process, where knowledge and skills are acquired through guidance and self indulgence. In that process the space confined (class room) learning transforming to space unconfined learning process (outside class room) is gaining its momentum. In that context space between and within buildings in the institute is emerging as an active spot for individual or group to engage in self-learning. There is a need to understand the impact and diverse effects of open spaces in campus, in order to meet the expectation of the user. Apart from imparting learning, institutions encourage extracurricular activities to maintain quality of learning which are catered by landscaped spaces in a campus. Are the spaces between the buildings meeting the expectations of the users? What are the aspects to be considered to create these spaces in the changing learning environment? What is the impact and perception of these spaces? The main objective of the research is based on finding answers for these questions. The present study involves local case studies to find out how the open spaces are perceived and how spaces are evolving. To meet this objective a multi layered methodology is indulged in this research in order to develop reliable results which includes direct Impressionistic observation -where the users are identified, observation of the spaces is done and verification of the findings is done through evaluation and survey questionnaire and behavioural mapping- a systematic way of recording the observation which includes place centred and individual centred mapping. The outcome helps in creating flexible and user centric open spaces in campus design.
Open spaces, Direct impressionistic observation, Behavioural mapping