Earth is consistently getting hotter with the most noteworthy recorded temperature was at 2016.Gobal
warming is the principle explanation behind the temperature increase on the planet. As one of major
greenhouse gas, CO2 has a strong influence on global warming. In addition to the global warming, CO2
concentration on the earth atmosphere will directly affect the physiological processes and growth of
plants and indirectly for the changes in precipitation patterns and frequency of weather extremes. Nonrenewable
energy sources, and fossil fuel based electrical power plants are primary CO2 producers to the
environment. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is one of the most forthcoming technologies that
captures CO2 emissions produced from fossil fuel power plants. However, this technology is highly
resource intensive and therefore it is required to estimate the impacts beforehand.
This thesis estimates the feasibility of implementing Carbon Capture and Storage technology in Sri
Lankan fossil fuel power plants. In addition to the CO2 emission, other harmful gases, SO2, NOx, and HCl
emissions are also considered in this study. Author proposes the most suitable CCS technology for each
and every thermal power plant by considering the reduction of CO2 emission and effective resources
usage. In addition to that, cost feasibility of implementation of technology is also discussed.