Work-family conflict has been shown/highlighted in numerous studies to have a negative impact on both physical and psychological health with many consequences. Most jobs in the logistics sector requires working round the clock and involve high job pressure. Under these grounds, the employees in this sector require committing themselves more to work, therefore face work-life conflict which consequently this leads to family conflicts. This is mainly due to lack of time for family matters and subsequently leading to poor outcomes at the workplace as well. The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between Family Supportive Supervisors Behavior and the Work-Family-Conflicts of employees in logistics sector Sri Lanka, thereby to provide them with the required level of assistance to overcome their Work-Family-Conflicts. This is a quantitative research and a total of 250 employees belonging to various sections of the logistics sector such as procurement, shipping, warehousing, customer service was surveyed using convenient sampling method. A questionnaire method was deployed as the data collection technique. Since excessive working hours and high work pressure are mostly associated with the logistics’ sector operations employees, the questionnaire was distributed mainly among them. The results suggest that employees in the logistics sector of Sri Lanka experience high level of Work-Family-Conflicts, as a result of not having the required level of assistance and attention from their immediate supervisors. Subsequently, results reveal that there is a negative relationship between Family Supportive Supervisors Behavior and the Work-Family-Conflicts of employees in logistics sector Sri Lanka. The study findings can provide the Logistics sector managers with a better understanding of the required relationship between their supervisors’ behaviors, to overcome the work-family-conflicts of the employees in the logistics sector.