Memory Based Event Triggering (MBET) is a
pragmatic approach to reduce the effective sampling rate of a
control system. In MBET, periodically sampled state variables
and control inputs are encoded such that data transmission
takes place only when they change by a value that exceeds a
predetermined threshold. This results in a significant reduction
of network traffic in Networked Control Systems (NCS). Should
MBET encoding result in an asymptotic cyclic behavior (limit
cycle like behavior), it would result in a lower bound in the
required bandwidth. In this paper, the necessary conditions for
the formation of such a cycle are investigated. It is demonstrated
analytically as well as through empirical simulations that the
main requirement for the occurrence of asymptotic dynamic
cycles is a diffeomorphism between a scalar control input and a
unique equilibrium point to which the system will converge to
for a constant control input.
U. Premaratne, "Limit cycle like asymptotic dynamics in feedback loops with Memory Based Event Triggering," 2016 Moratuwa Engineering Research Conference (MERCon), 2016, pp. 427-431, doi: 10.1109/MERCon.2016.7480179.