the impact of the Internet has influenced in many
new circumstances for the creation and delivery of content in
digital form. An important issue that arises in these applications
is the protection of the rights of all participants. It has been
recognized for quite some time that current copyright laws are
inadequate for dealing with digital image. This has led to an
interest towards developing new copy deterrence and protection
mechanisms. One such effort that has been attracting increasing
interest is based on digital image watermarking techniques.
Digital image watermarking is the process of embedding
information into digital image content such that the information
can later be extracted or detected for a variety of purposes
including copy right protection and control. A visible
watermark typically consists of a conspicuously visible message
or a company logo indicating the ownership of the image. The
system is designed for choosing best watermark for the cover
image and three new algorithms for the visible watermarking
process. Comparing and testing the three proposed algorithms
is done in the evaluation process and highlight the best things of
the algorithms proposed by using PSNR values.