Distributed ledgers and their applications in solving centralization problems in both
financial and non-financial domains has been in the forefront of information security
research since the emergence and the subsequent popularity of Blockchain. While
the Proof of Work protocol has been successfully utilized for cryptocurrencies, the
requirement for higher throughputs in non-financial domain based distributed ledgers
favor alternate protocols whose consensus assumptions usually come with thresholds
of Byzantine agents (faulty inputs) the consensus can withstand. Proof of Work is
designed so that financial gain from conducting a successful attack is less than what
honest participation would provide, eliminating any motivation an adversary might have
to attack (within the context of direct gain). This assumption fails for non-financial
solutions since resourceful malicious participants may exist where their gain may lie in
manipulation of the distributed ledger or the order in which the transactions are recorded.
A resourceful attacker could selectively convert rational agents to byzantine agents until
the tolerance threshold is exceeded. Therefore, we propose that completeness assurance,
and the overall reliability of distributed consensus requires rational and foresighted
players to be sufficiently incentivized in affording costs of self-protection. We present a
dynamic, complete, and imperfect information game to study the relationships between
individual costs and utilities, tolerance threshold of the protocol and environment
volatility in terms of exogenous attack probabilities, and observe conditions under which
a mixed strategy equilibrium that preserves completeness would be stable. Our research
extends existing literature by obtaining realistic resilience measures when considering
rational player behavior in volatile environments, and provide a better understanding of
mandatory security requirements that need to be implemented by a protocol designer
for security in distributed consensus. We evaluate our proposed model using efficiency
measurement concepts such as Price of Anarchy and Price of Malice, alongside learning
methodologies such as regret matching and bounded rationality for extended insight.
Our evaluations follow the theoretical predictions of the proposed model. Our results
confirm reputation optimization to be capable of completeness assurance when the
benefits are carefully assigned with consideration to tolerance threshold of the network.
Our experiments also indicate that reputation optimization has attractive stability and
convergence properties that are absent in other learning methodologies considered for
Kehelwala, K.G.J.H. (2021). Security and reliability of rational players in distributed consensus [Master's theses, University of Moratuwa]. Institutional Repository University of Moratuwa. http://dl.lib.uom.lk/handle/123/20440