Susceptibility to structural damage can be characterized by a fragility curve,
which is expressed as a normal or lognormal cumulative distribution of the conditional
probabilities of reaching or exceeding a particular damage state, for given values of the
demand parameter. Such curves have been produced for a variety of damage states in
different categories of buildings exposed to tsunami loading in different parts of the world,
with the demand parameter taken as inundation depth. Harmonization was sought across
these studies with respect to the median inundation depth. Three categories of single-storey
buildings were identified based on construction material, namely reinforced concrete,
masonry and timber. The median inundation depths for the complete damage state
decreased from reinforced concrete (5.4–7.3 m) through masonry (2.3–2.5 m) to timber
(*1.6 m) structures. The fairly narrow ranges above represent a number of different
studies and indicate that a common family of curves or ‘‘bands’’ can be arrived at. Such
ranges were identified for other partial damage states too. Our genuinely original contribution
is a probabilistic model that was developed using a Monte Carlo simulation to
produce synthetic fragility functions for masonry and reinforced concrete structures under
tsunami loading. The probabilistic model consisted of a geometric model that captured the
geometrical and wall-type variations of the building lot, a loading function and a set of
failure criteria, all of which required appropriate simplifying assumptions. The resulting
synthetic fragility curves matched the fragility curves based on observed tsunami damage
for the complete collapse damage state reasonably well.
Nanayakkara, K. I. U., & Dias, W. P. S. (2016). Fragility curves for structures under tsunami loading. Natural Hazards, 80(1), 471–486. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-015-1978-1